ASN 2023: The Arrival of Practical QSM Tools Enhanced for Everyday Clinical Practice
By: Karen Holzberger, President & CEO of SpinTech MRI
Attendees at this year’s American Society of Neuroimaging annual meeting will have their first opportunity to see and hear how quantitative MRI (qMRI) and quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) tools are now practical for – and being used in — everyday clinical practice.
QSM is just one of the advanced outputs available with STAGE and is the only FDA 510(k)-cleared QSM tool available today. Even neuroradiologists who heard about or saw how previous versions of STAGE™ enabled QSM for biomarker detection in research and other specialized applications will be struck by the enhancements in our software over the past year. In addition to improvements in usability, STAGE now includes CROWN™ (Constrained Reduction Of White Noise) technology to reduce brain scan times by 30% while significantly increasing image clarity.
ASN attendees also can hear Dr. James Backstrom, CMO and a practicing neuroradiologist describe how STAGE QSM makes access to biomarkers a practical reality even at his community hospital in western Pennsylvania.
Dr. Backstrom also will explain a case in which STAGE and QSM were used in normal reading workflows to answer key questions for the neurosurgeon planning the removal of a very large left frontal mass in the brain. The tumor was visualized via STAGE T2 and T1 SWI exams with images also showing an area of low signal near the mass. With the need for a re-scan, the previously acquired data were re-processed, with R2* maps indicating an adjacent aggregation of serpiginous vessels. The use of QSM tools in STAGE confirmed the presence of the vessels and showed possible calcification on the periphery with evidence of a bleed.
In addition to such typical uses, the QSM tools in STAGE are expected to play a significant role in monitoring patients receiving one of the new Alzheimer’s drug therapies recently approved by the FDA.
ASN attendees and the neuroimaging community at large can now see how STAGE is making advanced quantitative MRI (qMRI) and QSM capabilities available and practical for everyday clinical use in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, traumatic brain injury, and other neurological conditions.
We look forward to seeing you in Scottsdale. If we cannot connect there, please contact us directly for more information and to arrange a free consultation.